Grease Pencil Material Properties

Contenedores de materiales


Panel de contenedores de material de Grease Pencil.

Next to the material name there are three icons buttons that control common properties of the material:

/ (Show/Hide in Ghosts)

Toggle the use of the material for Onion Skinning.

/ (Hide/Show Material)

Toggle whether the active material is the only one that can be edited and is visible.

/ (Lock/Unlock Material)

Toggle whether the active material is the only one that can be edited.


Show All

Turns on the visibility of every material in the list.

Hide Others

Turns off the visibility of every material in the list except the active one.

Bloquear todo

Bloqueará la edición de todos los materiales de la lista.

Desbloquear todo

Desbloqueará la edición de todos los materiales de la lista.

Bloquear no seleccionados

Locks all materials not used in the selected strokes.

Bloquear no usados

Locks and hides all unused materials.

Copiar material a seleccionados

Copia el material activo al objeto de Grease Pencil seleccionado.

Copiar todos los materiales a seleccionados

Copia todos los materiales al objeto de Grease Pencil seleccionado.

Eliminar contenedores no usados

Eliminará todos los materiales no usados.



Shader panel with only Stroke component activated.


When enabled, the shader use the stroke component. The Stroke component controls how to render the edit lines.

Tipo de línea

Defines how to display or distribute the output material over the stroke.


Connects every points in the strokes showing a continuous line.


Use a disk shape at each point in the stroke. The dots are not connected.


Use a square shape at each point in the stroke. The squares are not connected.


The type of the material.


Use a solid color.


Use an image texture.


The image data-block used as an image source.


Texture and Base Color mixing amount.

Factor UV

The image size along the stroke.

Color Base

The base color of the stroke.


Removes the color from strokes underneath the current by using it as a mask.


Defines how to align the Dots and Squares along the drawing path and with the object’s rotation.


Aligns to the drawing path and the object’s rotation.


Aligns to the object’s rotation; ignoring the drawing path.


Aligns to the screen space; ignoring the drawing path and the object’s rotation.


Rotates the points of Dot and Square strokes.


The Rotation option is limited to a range of -90 to 90 degrees.

Self Overlap

Disables stencil and overlap self-intersections with alpha materials.

Samples of different material strokes mode types and styles.

Mode Type: Line, Style: Solid.


Mode Type: Line, Style: Texture.


Mode Type: Dot, Style: Solid.


Mode Type: Dot, Style: Texture.

Rellenar (o Relleno)

When enabled, the shader use the fill component. The Fill component control how to render the filled areas determined by closed edit lines.


The type of material.


Use solid color.


Use a color gradient.

Tipo de gradiente

Mix the colors along a single axis.


Mix the colors radiating from a center point.


Use an image texture.


The image data-block used as an image source.

Samples of different material fill styles.

Style: Solid.


Style: Gradient (Linear).


Style: Gradient (Radial).


Style: Texture.

Color Base

The base color of the fill.

Color secundario Gradiente

The secondary color.


Removes the color from strokes underneath the current by using it as a mask.

Fundido Gradiente / Textura

The amount that the Secondary Color (for Gradient Style) or image texture (for Texture Style) Mixxes with the Base Color.

Invertir colores Gradiente

Flips the gradient, inverting the Base Color and Secondary Color.

Posición X, Y Gradiente / Textura

Shifts the position of gradient or image texture.

Rotación Gradiente / Textura

Rotates the gradient or image texture.

Escala X, Y Gradiente / Textura

Scales the gradient or image texture.

Recortar imagen Textura

When enabled, show one image instance only (do not repeat).


Identificador en pasada

Este identificador podrá ser usado con algunos modificadores para restringir cambios sólo a un cierto material. Ver Modificadores para más información.