Vinculación y anexión¶
These functions help you reuse objects, materials and other data-blocks from another blend-file. You can build libraries of common content and share them across multiple referencing files.
Instead of using the menu, you can also Link/Append blend-files by dragging and dropping them into the Blender window.
It’s not possible to Link or Append data from much newer blend-files.
- Editor:
Barra superior
- Modo:
Todos los modos excepto el modo Edición
- Menú:
Vincular creará una referencia a los datos en el archivo de origen, de modo que los cambios realizados allí se reflejen en el archivo que hace la referencia, la próxima vez que vuelva a ser cargado. En el Explorador de archivos, navegar hasta el archivo .blend externo de origen y seleccionar los bloques de datos que se desee reutilizar.
Linked data-blocks are indicated with a chain icon in the Outliner. They’re also listed in the Outliner’s Blender File Modo de visualización, along with the path of the blend-file they originate from.
Linked data-blocks are initially not editable. This even includes the location/rotation/scale of linked objects, which are locked to the transformation they have in the source file. There are ways around this, however:
If you link a collection with Instance Collections enabled or some object data with Instance Object Data enabled, the collection/object data will be referenced through an object created inside the current blend-file, which can be transformed. (This new object will be created at the Cursor 3D.)
You can also do some level of editing/animating on linked (and thus normally locked) data-blocks using Library Overrides.
Since it is not editable, linked data cannot be protected with the Fake User option. Adding a custom property pointing to an otherwise unused linked data-block (e.g. a Text block) is a good way to keep it referenced accross saves and reloads.
Estas opciones estará disponibles en el panel del lado derecho, en el Explorador de archivos.
- Rutas relativas
Referenciará el archivo .blend externo, usando una ruta relativa en vez de una absoluta.
- Seleccionar
Seleccionará los objetos, luego de ser agregados.
- Colección activa
When enabled, objects and collections will be added to the active collection of the active view layer. Otherwise, they will be added to a new «Linked Data» collection in the active view layer.
- Instanciar colecciones
When enabled, each linked collection will be added to the scene as an instance collection (that is, a single object that represents the entire collection). You can add more such instances using , or replace an instance by the collection contents using Convertir instancias en reales.
When disabled, the collections will be added as-is so you can see their content in the Outliner and create Library Overrides.
- Instanciar datos de objetos
When enabled, an object will be created for each directly linked object data. Otherwise, no object will be created and the object data will not be visible in the scene until you create one yourself (e.g. by dragging the object data from the Outliner into the 3D Viewport).
- Editor:
Barra superior
- Modo:
Todos los modos excepto el modo Edición
- Menú:
Append copies data-blocks into your blend-file without keeping any reference to the original ones. You can make further edits to your local copy of the data, but changes in the external source file will not be reflected in the current one.
In the File Browser, navigate to the external source blend-file and select the data-blocks you want to reuse.
Appending data you already have linked will add objects/collections to the scene, but will keep them linked (and uneditable).
This is done so existing relationships with linked data remain intact.
Estas opciones estará disponibles en el panel del lado derecho, en el Explorador de archivos.
- Seleccionar
Seleccionará los objetos, luego de ser agregados.
- Colección activa
When enabled, objects and collections will be added to the active collection of the active view layer. Otherwise, they will be added to a new «Appended Data» collection in the active view layer.
- Instanciar colecciones
When enabled, each appended collection will be added to the scene as an instance collection (that is, a single object that represents the entire collection). You can add more such instances using , or replace an instance by the collection contents using Convertir instancias en reales.
When disabled, the collections will be added as-is so you can see their content in the Outliner.
- Instanciar datos de objetos
When enabled, an object will be created for each directly appended object data. Otherwise, no object will be created and the object data will not be visible in the scene until you create one yourself (e.g. by dragging the object data from the Outliner into the 3D Viewport).
- Usuario ficticio
Marcará los bloques de datos anexados como protegidos.
- Hacer todo local
Also copy all indirectly linked data, instead of maintaining the links.
- Editor:
- Menú:
When the Outliner is in the Blender File Modo de visualización, you can right-click a linked blend-file and choose Reload to immediately update the current blend-file with the latest version of the linked data-blocks, without having to reopen the file.
- Editor:
- Menú:
When the Outliner is in the Blender File Modo de visualización, you can right-click a linked blend-file and choose Relocate to replace it by a different file. This can be used to either fix a broken linked library (e.g. because the file was moved or renamed), or to switch to a variation of the same data in a different file.
Bibliotecas faltantes¶
If Blender cannot find a library while loading a blend-file, it will create placeholder data-blocks to replace missing linked ones. That way, references to the missing data are not lost, and by relocating the missing library, the lost data can be automatically restored.
Convertir en local¶
- Editor:
Vista 3D
- Modo:
Modo Objeto
- Menú:
- Editor:
- Menú:
Makes the selected or all external objects local to the current blend-file. Links to the original library file will be lost, but the data-blocks will become fully editable, just like the ones directly created in the current blend-file.
The operation available from the Outliner’s context menu has no options and only affects the selected data-blocks.
The operation available from the 3D Viewport only affects the selected objects, but it can also make local the objects” dependencies:
- Tipo
Whether to localize only the objects themselves, or also their data and materials.
Limitaciones conocidas¶
For the most part, linking data will work as expected. However, there are some limitations to be aware of.
Dependencias circulares¶
In general, dependencies should not go in both directions. Attempting to link or append data which links back to the current file will likely result in missing links.
Opciones a nivel de escena¶
Scene-level settings such as the Entorno de cuerpos rígidos will not be copied when linking objects. As an alternative, you can link the entire scene and use it as a Escena de fondo.
Compresión y uso de memoria¶
Referencing compressed blend-files may need a lot of memory because they have to be loaded in their entirety, even if you only link/append a small part of them. Once the data-blocks are loaded, however, memory usage is the same.