El modificador Diseño producirá trazos con contornos circulares, elípticos o cuadrados. Aquí el término diseño es usado para referirse a esas líneas dibujadas al inicio de un trazo a mano alzada, para capturar la silueta de los objetos con una forma simple, como círculos, elipses o cuadrados.
- Forma
Qué forma base usar para este diseño: Círculos, Elipses o Cuadrados.
- Pasadas
How many rounds are generated, as if the pen draws the same stroke several times (i.e. how many times the process is repeated).
- Radio Aleatoriedad, Centro
For the Circles and Ellipses shapes. Adds some randomness to each round in the relevant aspect. Using more than one round with no randomness would be meaningless, as they would draw over each other exactly.
- Trazo Longitud, Aleatoriedad
For the Squares shapes. The first adds some extra length to each edge of the generated squares (also affected by the second parameter). The second adds some randomness to the squares.
Note that the Min 2D Length feature from the Strokes settings is quite handy here, to avoid the noise generated by small strokes…