
EEVEE’s goal is to be an interactive render engine. Some features may not be there yet or may be impossible to implement into EEVEE’s architecture without compromising performance.

Here is a rather exhaustive list of all the limitations you can expect while working with EEVEE.

Atributos y propiedades

  • Only 14 attributes from Geometry Nodes are supported in a material

  • Only 8 custom object properties are supported in a material


  • Only perspective and orthographic projections are currently supported.


  • Lights can only have one color and do not support light node trees.

  • Unlike in Cycles, the Size of spot lights does not change the softness of the cone.

  • The area light Beam spread option is not supported.

Sondas de luz

  • EEVEE supports up to 128 active light probe spheres.

  • EEVEE supports up to 16 active light probe planes inside the view frustum.

  • Active light probe volumes must fit inside the Light Probes Volume Memory Pool.

Iluminación indirecta

  • Light probe capture does not support specular reflections. Specular energy is treated as diffuse.


  • Shadow Map Raytracing can produce light leaking because of overlapping shadow casters. This can be mitigated by using lower step count, enabling jitter, or reducing the light shape size.

  • Thin objects (e.g. walls without thickness) might have light leaking on the shadowed side. This can be mitigated by making the object have some thickness or lowering Resolution Limit.


  • Only single scattering is supported.

  • Volumetrics are rendered only for the camera «rays». They don’t appear in reflections/refractions and probes.

  • Volumetric shadowing only work in volumetrics. They won’t cast shadows onto solid objects in the scene.

  • Volumetric shadowing only work for volumes inside the view frustum.

Profundidad de campo

  • Blended materials cannot be correctly handled by the post-processing blur, but will be correctly handled by the sample-based method. For this, you need to disable the post-process depth of field by setting the Max Size to 0.

Efectos en espacio de pantalla

Ray-triangle intersection is not currently supported. Instead of this, EEVEE uses the depth buffer as an approximated scene representation. This reduces the complexity of scene scale effects and enables a higher performance. However, only what is in inside the view can be considered when computing these effects. Also, since it only uses one layer of depth, only the front-most pixel distance is known.

These limitations creates a few problems:

  • The screen space effects disappear when reaching the screen border. This can be partially fixed by using the overscan feature.

  • Screen space effects lack deep information (or the thickness of objects). This is why most effects have a thickness parameter to control how to consider potential intersected pixels.

  • Objects behind other objects (occluded) are not considered by these effects.

  • Blended surfaces are not considered by these effects. They are not part of the depth prepass and do not appear in the depth buffer.

  • Objects that a part of Holdout Collections will not be rendered with screen space effects.

Trazado de rayos

  • Blended materials and materials using raytrace refractions will not appear in dithered materials reflections.

  • Blended materials are not compatible with raytracing.

  • Sólo se representará un evento de refracción correctamente. Una aproximación del segundo evento de refracción podrá ser obtenida utilizando el flujo de trabajo de Grosor.

  • Only dithered materials not using Raytrace Refractions can be refracted.

Nodos de sombreado

  • All BSDF’s are using approximations to achieve realtime performance so there will always be small differences between Cycles and EEVEE.

  • Some utility nodes are not yet compatible with EEVEE.

  • Certain combinations of BSDF’s will result in more noise than others. This is the case when mixing Diffuse BSDF and Refraction BSDF.

  • Displacement of flat shaded surfaces will split the mesh into triangles. See Displacement for a workaround.

Ver también

For a full list of unsupported nodes see Nodes Support.

Administración de memoria

In EEVEE, GPU Memory management is done by the GPU driver. In theory, only the needed textures and meshes (now referred as «the resources») for a single draw call (i.e. one object) needs to fit into the GPU memory.

So if the scene is really heavy, the driver will swap things in and out to make sure all objects are rendered correctly.

In practice, using too much GPU memory can make the GPU driver crash, freeze, or kill the application. So be careful of what you ask.

There is no standard way of estimating if the resources will fit into the GPU memory and/or if the GPU will render them successfully.

Procesamiento por CPU

Siendo un motor de procesamiento por reticulación, EEVEE usará únicamente el poder de la GPU para procesar. No existen planes para soportar la CPU para el procesamiento (por software), debido a que sería muy ineficiente. Aún así, el poder de la CPU será necesario para manipular escenas de alta complejidad, dado que la geometría debe ser preparada por la CPU antes de procesar cada fotograma.

Soporte para múltiples GPU

There is currently no support for multiple GPU systems.

Procesamiento sin interfaz

Headless rendering is not supported on headless Windows systems.