Modificador Desplazar tiempo¶
The Time Offset Modifier applies a temporal offset to Grease Pencil keyframes on your timeline. If you have duplicated a Grease Pencil object you can use the Time Offset Modifier on the copies to desynchronize their animation. This can give more natural looking results.
Using the Time Offset Modifier it’s possible to have Grease Pencil frame ranges play back as repeating loops. Traditionally, 2D animation that uses looped drawings includes characters walking, rising smoke, and falling rain. In Fixed Frame mode the Time Offset Modifier can display drawings on your timeline entirely independently of the playhead position.
This can be handy for displaying drawings that will appear often in your animation. Think of switching between predefined mouth shapes for instance.

El modificador Desplazar tiempo.¶
- Modo
- Normal:
Offsets keyframes in the default animation playback direction (playhead moving from left to right).
- Invertir:
Offsets keyframes in reversed animation playback direction (playhead moving from right to left).
- Fotograma fijo:
The Frame parameter determines which frame is displayed. This value needs to be animated in order to have the displayed frame change during playback.
- Marco
The number of the frame to display.
- Ping pong:
Loop back and forth animation.
- Encadenar:
It allows to combine the different Modes consecutively.
- Repetir
Number of cycle repeats
- Desplazar fotogramas
The number of frames to offset the original keyframes by.
- Escala
Controls the speed of the frames playback. 1 is equal to the actual frame rate, could be positive (faster) or negative (slower).
- Mantener ciclo
Moves end frame to the animation start to keep animation in a loop.
Rango personalizado¶
When enabled, the animation playback is restricted only to a frame range.
- Fotograma de Inicio/Fin
Sets the range start and end frames.