Bricks Node¶

The Bricks node creates a brick-like pattern.
Входы (inputs)¶
- Bricks 1, Bricks 2
Sets the color range of the bricks. Brick colors are chosen randomly between these two colors.
- Цемент (mortar)
Sets the mortar color, in between the bricks.
- Толщина (thickness)
Sets the thickness of the mortar.
- Погрешность (bias)
The bias of randomly chosen colors, between (-1 to 1). -1 Makes all bricks Color 1, and a value of 1 makes them all Color 2.
- Ширина кирпича (brick width)
Sets the horizontal size of all the bricks.
- Высота ряда (row height)
Sets the vertical size of all the bricks.
Свойства (properties)¶
- Смещение (offset)
The relative offset of the next row of bricks.
- Частота (frequency)
Offset every N rows. The brick pattern offset repeats every N rows.
- Прижим (squash)
Scales the bricks in every N rows by this amount.
- Частота (frequency)
Squash every N rows.
Выходы (outputs)¶
- Цвет (color)
Стандартный цветовой вывод.