Animation Tools

Insert Blank Keyframe (Active Layer)


Режим (mode):

Draw Mode, Edit Mode, Sculpt Mode


Stroke ‣ Animation ‣ Insert Blank Keyframe (Active Layer)

Горячая клавиша:


Add a new blank keyframe to the active layer at the current frame. If there is already a keyframe at the current frame, a new blank keyframe will be added on the next frame.

All Layers

When enabled, Blank keyframe will be created on all layers, not only the active one.

Продолжительность (duration)

The number of blank frames to insert.

Insert Blank Keyframe (All Layers)


Режим (mode):

Draw Mode, Edit Mode, Sculpt Mode


Stroke ‣ Animation ‣ Insert Blank Keyframe (All Layers)

Same as Insert Blank Keyframe (Active Layer) but All Layers is enabled by default.

Duplicate Active Keyframe (Active Layer)


Режим (mode):

Draw Mode, Edit Mode, Sculpt Mode


Stroke ‣ Animation ‣ Duplicate Active Keyframe (Active Layer)

Duplicates the strokes on the last keyframe by copying them to the current frame.

Режим (mode)

Pick which layers to duplicate.

Активный (active):

Duplicate only the active layer.

Все (all):

Duplicate all the layers.

Duplicate Active Keyframe (All Layers)


Режим (mode):

Draw Mode, Edit Mode, Sculpt Mode


Stroke ‣ Animation ‣ Duplicate Active Keyframe (All Layers)

Same as Duplicate Active Keyframe (Active Layer) but the Mode is set to All by default.

Delete Active Keyframe (Active Layer)


Режим (mode):

Draw Mode, Edit Mode, Sculpt Mode


Stroke ‣ Animation ‣ Delete Active Keyframe (Active Layer)

Горячая клавиша:


Deletes the last keyframe in the Dope Sheet or the current keyframe if you are on one.

Тип (type)

Pick which layer to delete keyframes.

Active Frame:

Deletes current frame in the active layer.

All Active Frames:

Delete active frames for all layers.

Delete Active Keyframe (All Layers)


Режим (mode):

Draw Mode, Edit Mode, Sculpt Mode


Stroke ‣ Animation ‣ Delete Active Keyframes (All Layers)

Горячая клавиша:


Same as Duplicate Active Keyframe (Active Layer) but the Type is set to All Active Frames by default.

Interpolate Sequence


Режим (mode):

Draw Mode, Edit Mode


Grease Pencil ‣ Interpolate Sequence

Горячая клавиша:


Interpolate strokes between the previous and next keyframe by adding multiple keyframes. A breakdown keyframe will be added on every frame between the previous and next keyframe.


umber of frames between generated interpolated frames.

Слой (layer)

Layers included in the interpolation.

Exclude Break Downs

Exclude existing Breakdowns keyframes as interpolation extremes.

Flip Mode

Invert destination stroke to match start and end with source stroke.

Сглаживание (smooth)

Amount of smoothing to apply to interpolated strokes, to reduce jitter/noise.

Итераций (iterations)

Number of times to smooth newly created strokes.

Тип (type)

Interpolation method to use the next time Interpolate Sequence is run.

Bake Mesh to Grease Pencil



3D-Вьюпорт (3D viewport)

Режим (mode):

Объектный режим (object mode)


Object ‣ Animation ‣ Bake Mesh to Grease Pencil…

Converts each frame of a mesh animation within a selected frame range to a Grease Pencil object keyframed strokes. The Bake Action operator computes the final animation of the selected objects with all those modifiers, drivers, and constraints applied, and keyframes the result.

Целевой объект (target object)

Определяет, будет ли пустышка-изображение сохранена или заменена.

Новый объект (new object): создаёт новый объект Grease Pencil и оставляет пустышку-изображение. Выделенный объект (selected object): заменяет пустышку-изображение объектом Grease Pencil.

Start Frame, End Frame

Start/End frame for the baking process.


Frame steps for the baking process

Толщина (thickness)

Толщина штрихов.

Пороговый угол (threshold angle)

Threshold value that determine the strokes end.

Смещение штриха (stroke offset)

Устанавливает смещение для отделения штрихов от тех, которые заполнены.

Только рёбра со швом (only seam edges)

Конвертировать только те рёбра, которые отмечены как „шов“.

Экспорт граней (export faces)

Конвертировать грани в заполненные штрихи.

Only Selected Keyframes

Convert only the selected keyframes.

Target Frame

Target destination frame for the baked animation.

Projection Type

Sets the projection type to use for the converted strokes.

Bake Object Transform to Grease Pencil



3D-Вьюпорт (3D viewport)

Режим (mode):

Объектный режим (object mode)


Object ‣ Animation ‣ Bake Object Transform to Grease Pencil

Applies all transform animation at Object level within a selected frame range to Grease Pencil object keyframes.

Start Frame, End Frame

Start/End frame for the baking process.


Frame steps for the baking process.

Only Selected Keyframes

Convert only the selected keyframes.

Target Frame

Target destination frame for the baked animation.

Projection Type

Sets the projection type to use for the converted strokes.