
Brushes are the main way of interacting with any painting and sculpting mode. By click & dragging in the 3D Viewport (or the Image Editor when using Texture Paint), the active brush creates a stroke with a certain effect, depending on the used brush settings. Brushes are used as brush assets and stored in asset libraries, which makes it easy to reuse and share them. Typically they have a preview image and a name that indicate the effect they create.


Настоятельно рекомендуется использовать графический планшет для лучшего ощущения кисти и дополнительных функций.

Accessing Brushes

In modes that use painting or sculpting functionality, the Asset Shelf of the 3D Viewport and Image Editor displays brush assets that can be used in that mode. Clicking a brush asset will activate the Brush Tool if necessary, with the clicked brush set.


The Asset Shelf of the 3D Viewport, providing access to brush assets.

This asset shelf is also available as popup in the Tool Settings, the Sidebar, Properties and using a shortcut.



All Paint Modes


Tool Settings


Sidebar ‣ Tool ‣ Brush Asset, Properties ‣ Tool ‣ Brush Asset

Горячая клавиша:


Управление кистью

Это наиболее распространённые горячие клавиши для управления кистью.

  • Установить размер кисти F

  • Установить силу кисти Shift-F

  • Вращать текстуру кисти / Установка толщины кисти Ctrl-F

После нажатия этих горячих клавиш вы можете настроить значение в интерактивном режиме или введя цифры. Двигайте мышь вправо или влево, чтобы увеличить/уменьшить значение (дополнительно с активированной точностью (Shift) и/или привязкой (Ctrl). Наконец подтвердите (ЛКМ, Return) или отмените (ПКМ, Esc).

Вы также можете инвертировать направление/эффект кисти, удерживая Ctrl.

Custom Brush Shortcuts

To give a brush a shortcut, simply right click it in the asset shelf or brush selector popup, and select Assign Shortcut. To modify or remove an existing shortcut, select Change Shortcut or Remove Shortcut accordingly.

Brush Assets

Brushes are used as assets, and stored in asset libraries. This makes the brushes shared across project files. All available brush assets can be displayed in the Asset Browser, which also provides ways to organize them.

Blender comes bundled with a number of brushes in the Essentials asset library. These can be customized into all kinds of custom brushes by duplicating them (see Brush Editing).

While it’s possible to have brush data-blocks that are local to the file and not marked as assets, such brushes cannot be activated for actual painting or sculpting. Use the Mark as Asset operator to make them brush assets that can be activated.

Brush Tool


The Brush tool.

Painting or sculpting with brushes requires the brush tool to be active. Activating a brush from an asset shelf or brush selector also activates the brush tool for convenience.