Offset Edge Slide


Режим (mode):

Режим редактирования (edit mode)


Edge ‣ Offset Edge Slide

Горячая клавиша:


Добавление двух рёберных петель по обе стороны от выбранных.

Cap Endpoint

Extends the loop by creating triangles at endpoints.

Коэффициент (factor)

Location of the loop relative to the center loop and the outside edge loops.


Only available for single edge loops. This matches the shape of the edge loop to one of the adjacent edge loops. (See Edge Slide tool for details.)


When Even is enabled, this flips the target edge loop to match. (See Edge Slide tool for details.)

Ограничение (clamp)

Clamp within the edge extents.

Correct UVs

Correct UV coordinates when transforming.