



File ‣ Import/Export ‣ Stl (.stl)

The STL-file format is useful if you intend to import/export the files for CAD software. It is also commonly used for loading into 3D printing software.



Scale (масштаб)

Value by which to scale the imported objects in relation to the world’s origin.

Scene Unit

Apply current scene’s unit (as defined by unit scale) to imported data.

Facet Normals

Use (import) facet normals (note that this will still give flat shading).

Forward / Up Axis

Так как во многих приложениях для направления вверх используется другая ось, для таких настроек необходимо преобразование осей, направленных Вперед и вверх–Сопоставив эти оси с другими, можно преобразовать вращение между приложениями, использующими разное направление осей.

Blender uses Y forward, Z up (since the front view looks along the +Y direction). For example, it is common for applications to use Y as the up axis, in that case -Z forward, Y up is needed.

Validate Mesh

Check the imported mesh for corrupt data and fix it if necessary. This option will make the importing slower but is often not necessary.

Экспорт (Exporting)#



Exports the stl-file in ASCII format rather than as a binary format

Batch Mode

Export each object as a separate STL file.

Включить – Только выбранное

When checked, only selected objects are exported. Instanced objects, for example collections that are instanced in the scene, are considered „selected“ when their instancer is selected.

Scale (масштаб)

Value by which to scale the exported objects in relation to the world’s origin.

Transform – Scene Unit

Apply current scene’s unit (as defined by unit scale) to exported data.

Вперед, Вверх

Поскольку многие приложения используют разные оси для «Вверх», это преобразование осей для этих настроек: оси «Вперед» и «Вверх». Сопоставляя их с разными осями, вы можете конвертировать вращения между осями вверх и вперед по умолчанию в приложениях.

Blender uses Y Forward, Z Up (since the front view looks along the +Y direction). For example, it’s common for applications to use Y as the up axis, in that case -Z Forward, Y Up is needed.

Геометрия – Применить модификаторы

Export objects using the evaluated mesh, meaning the resulting mesh after all Modifiers have been calculated.