Link Data¶
- Режим (mode):
Объектный режим (object mode)
- Меню:
- Горячая клавиша:
Performs various assignments: adding an object to a scene, giving an object the same data or modifiers as another, and so on.
When you link two objects to the same data, changes made to one will also appear in the other. Should you no longer want this, you can use Создание одного пользователя to once again give each object its own data.
- Link Objects to Scene
Adds the selected objects to the specified scene. Objects can exist in multiple scenes at once and have the same position/animation in all of them.
- Link Object Data
Replaces the object data of the selected objects by that of the active object.
- Link Materials
Replaces the materials of the selected objects by those of the active object.
- Link Animation Data
Replaces the actions and tracks of the selected objects by those of the active object.
- Link Collections
Moves the selected objects into the same collections as the active object.
- Связать коллекцию экземпляров (link instance collection)
Replaces the instance collection of the selected objects by that of the active object.
- Link Fonts to Text
Replaces the font of the selected text objects by that of the active text object.
- Copy Modifiers
Replaces the modifiers of the selected objects by those of the active object.
- Копировать эффекты Grease Pencil (copy Grease Pencil effects)
Replaces the visual effects of the selected Grease Pencil objects by those of the active object.
- Копировать UV-карты (copy UV maps)
Replaces the active UV map of each selected mesh object by the active UV map of the active object. If a selected object doesn’t have any UV maps, one is created.
All objects must have matching geometry and face order. You can ensure the latter using Сортировать элементы (sort elements), but even then, this operator is really only useful if the destination is a deformed copy of the source. Use Перенести данные меша (transfer mesh data) for other cases.
- Перенести данные меша (transfer mesh data)
- Перенести разметку данных меша (transfer mesh data layout)
See Перенести разметку данных меша (transfer mesh data layout).
- Связать приёмники с излучателем (link receivers to emitter)
Adds the selected objects to the Light Linking collection of the active light object.
- Связать блокираторы с излучателем (link blockers to emitter)
Adds the selected objects to the Shadow Linking collection of the active light object.