Нода «Вывод окружающей среды» (world output node)

Нода ":abbr:`Вывод окружающей среды (World Output)`".

Нода World Output используется для вывода информации о цвете освещения в «мировую» окружающую среду сцены.

To access this node, change the Shader Type in the header of the Shader Editor to World.

Входы (inputs)

Поверхность (surface)

The appearance of the environment. Usually connected to a Background shader.

Объём (volume)

Used to add volumetric effects to the world. See the shaders Principled Volume, Volume Absorption, and Volume Scatter for more information.


It’s not possible to have a Surface and a Volume at the same time: surfaces are assumed to be at an infinite distance from the camera, so they will always be fully occluded by the volume.

Свойства (properties)

Цель (target)

Render engine the input shaders are used for. By default, shaders are shared between Cycles and EEVEE – with multiple output nodes, a specialized shader setup can be created for each.

Выходы (outputs)

Эта нода не содержит выходов.