Редактирование (editing)

Меню «Выделение» (select menu)

См. также

Выделение (selecting).

Все (all) A

Выделяет все ключевые кадры.

Ничего (none) Alt-A

Снимает выделение со всех ключевых кадров.

Инвертировать (invert) Ctrl-I

Инвертирует выделение.

Рамочное выделение B

Позволяет перетащить рамку и выделить ключевые кадры внутри неё.

Выделение рамкой (диапазон по оси) Alt-B

Позволяет перетаскивать рамку и выделять ключевые кадры внутри соответствующего временного диапазона, даже если они находятся выше или ниже самой рамки.

Circle Select C

Displays a circle around the cursor, which you can drag over keyframes to select them.

Выделить обводкой Ctrl-ПКМ

Lets you draw a freehand shape and selects the keyframes inside it.

Больше Ctrl-NumpadПлюс

Expand the selection to include the neighbors (in time) of the currently selected keys.

Меньше Ctrl-NumpadМинус

Deselect keyframes with fewer than two selected neighbors.

Select Linked L

Select keys that are on the same channel as a key that’s already selected.

Столбцы по выбранным ключам K

Selects keys that are on the same frame as a key that’s already selected.

Столбец текущего кадра Ctrl-K

Selects all the keys that are on the current frame.

Столбцы по выбранным маркерам Shift-K

Selects keys that are on the same frame as a selected marker.

Between Selected Markers Alt-K

Selects keys that lie between the leftmost and rightmost selected markers.

До текущего кадра [

Select the keys that lie before (or on) the current frame. You can also click Shift-Ctrl-LMB anywhere to the left of the Playhead.

После текущего кадра ]

Select the keys that lie after (or on) the current frame. You can also click Shift-Ctrl-LMB anywhere to the right of the Playhead.

Меню маркеров

Маркеры используются для обозначения кадров с ключевыми точками или значимыми событиями в анимации. Как и в большинстве редакторов анимации, они отображаются внизу.


Маркеры в редакторе анимации.

There are some options that are exclusive to the Dope Sheet editor:

Sync Markers

Whether to also move the selected markers when moving the selected keyframes.

Show Pose Markers Action Editor

Instead of showing the global scene markers, show the local pose markers (which only exist inside the action). While this option is active, the Add Marker menu item will also create pose markers instead of scene markers.

Make Markers Local Action Editor

Converts the selected scene markers into pose markers, making them only visible inside the currently selected action.

For information about the other marker tools, see Editing Markers.

Channel Menu

See Graph Editor Channels.

Key Menu

Most items in this menu are documented on the Graph Editor’s Редактирование (editing) page. One important difference is that scaling keyframes in the Dope Sheet Editor only moves them along the time axis (with the Playhead serving as the pivot point); it doesn’t change their values.

The Dope Sheet editor has the following additional menu items:

Slide Shift-T

Lets you stretch one set of keyframes across time while compressing an adjacent set to compensate, leaving the combined duration the same.

To use this operator, first select a range of three or more keyframes, then place the mouse cursor somewhere in the middle and press Shift-T. The range will be temporarily split in two at the location of the cursor, indicated by a dashed vertical line. If you now move the mouse, the two halves of the range will change in length, and the keyframes within them will move accordingly. Click LMB to confirm or RMB to cancel.

Keyframe Type R

Sets the type of the selected keyframes.

Привязать (snap)

The toggle button enables/disables automatic keyframe snapping. The dropdown button shows a popover with the following options:

Привязка к (snap to)

Тип элемента, к которому нужно привязаться.

Кадр (frame):

Привязка к целым кадрам.

Второй (second):

Привязка к секундам.

Ближайший маркер (nearest marker):

Привязка к ближайшему маркеру.

Привязка к абсолютному времени (absolute time snap)

When disabled, keyframes will move in increments of Snap To. For example, if you selected Second and have a keyframe that’s currently on 0:06+5, dragging it to the right will snap it to 0:07+5. Its time increases by a second, and its subsecond offset of 5 frames remains the same.

When enabled, keyframes will snap to multiples of Snap To. Taking the above example, the keyframe would snap to 0:07+0, removing the subsecond offset.

Пропорциональное редактирование (proportional editing)

См.: «Пропорциональное редактирование».