Змеиный крюк (snake hook)


Режим (mode):

Режим скульптинга (sculpt mode)

Кисть (brush):

Боковая панель ‣ Инструмент ‣ Параметры кисти ‣ Дополнительно ‣ Тип кисти Sidebar ‣ Tool ‣ Brush Settings ‣ Advanced ‣ Brush Type

Pulls vertices along with the movement of the brush to create long, snake-like forms. During the stroke, geometry will be dynamically picked up & let go.

When the Rake setting is used, the brush can also be used to rotate geometry via dragging.

Настройки кисти



Более подробная информация приведена в разделе настройки кисти Общее и в разделе настройки кисти Дополнительно (advanced).



Pulled geometry tends to lose volume along the stroke. With Magnify value greater than 0.5 this is prevented. More info at Pinch/Magnify

Rake (Гребень)

Разворачивает геометрию вдоль направления штриха.

Деформация (deformation)

Deformation type that is used by the brush.

Radius Falloff:

Applies the brush falloff to the tip of the brush.

Упругое (elastic):

Modifies the entire mesh using an Elastic deformation. More info in the Elastic Deform brush.