Раздуть (inflate)


Режим (mode):

Режим скульптинга (sculpt mode)

Кисть (brush):

Боковая панель ‣ Инструмент ‣ Параметры кисти ‣ Дополнительно ‣ Тип кисти Sidebar ‣ Tool ‣ Brush Settings ‣ Advanced ‣ Brush Type

Similar to Draw, except that vertices are moved in the direction of their own normals. Especially useful when sculpting meshes with a lot of curvature.

Also available as a Mesh Filter to inflate all unmasked areas at once.

Настройки кисти


Направление (direction)

Either Inflate or Deflate sculpted areas. This is different from the typical Add & Subtract.


Более подробная информация приведена в разделе настройки кисти Общее и в разделе настройки кисти Дополнительно (advanced).