Рисовать наборы граней (draw face sets)


Режим (mode):

Режим скульптинга (sculpt mode)

Кисть (brush):

Боковая панель ‣ Инструмент ‣ Параметры кисти ‣ Дополнительно ‣ Тип кисти Sidebar ‣ Tool ‣ Brush Settings ‣ Advanced ‣ Brush Type

Draw new or extend existing Face Sets with each stroke.

Holding Ctrl will continue drawing the same face set as the one under the cursor. Holding Shift will relax or smooth the edges of the face sets by modifying the underlying topology so edges flow along the perimeter of the face sets. This will remove the jagged lines visible after drawing or creating a face set.


More information in the Face Set Introduction.

Настройки кисти


While a lot of the general brush settings are supported, it’s not needed to change them from the default, as the brush purpose is very simple.


Более подробная информация приведена в разделе настройки кисти Общее и в разделе настройки кисти Дополнительно (advanced).