Index Symboles | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z Symboles 3D Mouse (Souris 3D) A Action Safe Active Add-ons, [1] Add-ons Extensions Aliasing Alpha Channel Ambient Light (Lumière Ambiante) Ambient Occlusion (Occlusion ambiante) Animation Anti-Aliasing Armature Asset Asset Catalog Asset Library Asset Metadata Attribute Axis Axis Angle B Baking (précalcul) Bevel Bézier Bit Depth (Profondeur de Bits) Blend Modes Blender Session Bone (Os) Bone Collection Boolean Bounding Box (Boîte Englobante) Bounding Volume Hierarchy (Hiérarchie de Volumes Englobants) bssrdf() built-in function built-in function bssrdf() Bump Mapping (Placage de relief) BVH C Caustics (Caustiques) Child (Enfant) Chroma Chromaticities (Chromaticités) Chrominance Clamp Clamping Collection Color Blend Modes (Modes de Mélange de Couleurs) Color Gamut (gamme de couleur) Color Space Compositor Nodes Alpha Convert Alpha Over Anti-Aliasing Bilateral Blur Blur Bokeh Blur Bokeh Image Box Mask Brightness/Contrast Channel Key Chroma Key Color Balance Color Correction Color Key Color Ramp Color Space Color Spill Combine Color Combine XYZ Composite Corner Pin Crop Cryptomatte Cryptomatte (Legacy) Defocus Denoise Despeckle Difference Key Dilate/Erode Directional Blur Displace Distance Key Double Edge Mask Ellipse Mask Exposure File Output Filter Flip Gamma Glare Hue Correct Hue/Saturation/Value ID Mask Image Inpaint Invert Color Keying Keying Screen Kuwahara Lens Distortion Levels Luminance Key Map Range Map UV Map Value Mask Math Mix Movie Clip Movie Distortion Normal Normalize Pixelate Plane Track Deform Posterize Render Layers RGB RGB Curves RGB TO BW Rotate Scale Scene Time Separate Color Separate XYZ Set Alpha Split Stabilize 2D Sun Beams Switch Switch View Texture Time Curve Tone Map Track Position Transform Translate Vector Blur Vector Curves Viewer Z Combine Concave Face (face concave) Constraint Bone Constraints Object Constraints Rigid Body Constraints Constraint (contrainte) Convex Face (face convexe) Coplanar (coplanaire) Crease (Pli) Current File Asset Library Curve Cyclic D Data User (Utilisateur de Données) Depth Of Field (Profondeur de champ) Dielectric Material Diffuse Light (lumière diffuse) Directional Light (lumière directionnelle) Displacement Mapping Display Referenced (Référence d'Affichage) DOF Double Buffer (Tampon double) E Edge Edge Loop (Boucle d'Arêtes) Edge Ring (Anneau d'Arêtes) Editors 3D Viewport Asset Browser Compositor Dope Sheet Drivers Editor File Browser Geometry Node Editor Graph Editor Image Editor Info Editor Movie Clip Editor NLA Editor Outliner Preferences Properties Python Console Shader Editor Spreadsheet Text Editor Texture Node Editor Timeline UV Editor Video Sequencer Elastic Elasticity (Élasticité) Empty Euler Euler Rotation (rotation d'Euler) Extensions, [1] F F-Curve F-Curve Modifiers Built-in Function Modifier Cycles Modifier Envelope Modifier Generator Modifier Limits Modifier Noise Modifier Stepped Interpolation Modifier Face Face Loop (boucle de faces) Face Normal (Normale à la face) Fake User (faux Utilisateur) Field of View (Champ de vision) Fireflies (Lucioles) FK Focal Length (Longueur focale) Force Fields Boid Charge Curve Guide Drag Fluid Force Force Harmonic Lennard-Jones Magnetic Texture Turbulence Vortex Wind Forward Kinematics (Cinématique Avant) Frame Types (Types de Trames) G Gamma Geodesic Geometric Center (centre géométrique) Geometry Nodes 3D Cursor Accumulate Field Active Camera Active Element Align Euler to Vector Align Rotation to Vector Arc Attach Hair Curves to Surface Attribute Reference Attribute Statistic Axis Angle to Rotation Axis to Rotation Bake Bézier Segment Blackbody Blend Hair Curves Blur Attribute Boolean Boolean Math Bounding Box Braid Hair Curves Brick Texture Capture Attribute Checker Texture Clamp Clump Hair Curves Collection Info Color Color Ramp Combine Color, [1] Combine Matrix Combine Transform Combine XYZ Compare Cone Convex Hull Corners of Edge Corners of Face Corners of Vertex Create Guide Index Map Cube Curl Hair Curves Curve Circle Curve Handle Position Curve Info Curve Length Curve Line Curve of Point Curve Root Curve Segment Curve Spiral Curve Tangent Curve Tilt Curve Tip Curve to Mesh Curve to Points Cylinder Deform Curves on Surface Delete Geometry Displace Hair Curves Distribute Points in Volume Distribute Points on Faces Domain Size Dual Mesh Duplicate Elements Duplicate Hair Curves Edge Angle Edge Neighbors Edge Paths to Curves Edge Paths to Selection Edge Split Edge Vertices Edges of Corner Edges of Vertex Edges to Face Groups Endpoint Selection Euler to Rotation Evaluate at Index Evaluate on Domain Extrude Mesh Face Area Face Group Boundaries Face Neighbors Face of Corner Face Set Fields Fill Curve Fillet Curve Flip Faces Float Curve Float To Integer Frizz Hair Curves Gabor Texture Generate Hair Curves Geometry Proximity Geometry to Instance Gradient Texture Grid Hair Hair Attachment Info Hair Curves Noise Handle Type Selection Hash Value Ico Sphere ID Image Image Info Image Texture Index Index of Nearest Index Switch Inspection Instance on Points Instance Rotation Instance Scale Instance Transform Instances Instances to Points Integer Integer Math Interpolate Curves Interpolate Hair Curves Invert Matrix Invert Rotation Is Edge Smooth Is Face Planar Is Face Smooth Is Spline Cyclic Is Viewport Join Geometry Join Strings Magic Texture Map Range Material Material Index Material Selection Math Menu Switch Merge by Distance Mesh Boolean Mesh Circle Mesh Island Mesh Line Mesh to Curve Mesh to Points Mesh to Volume Mix Mix Color Mix Vector Mouse Position Multiply Matrices Musgrave Texture Named Attribute Noise Texture Normal Object Info Offset Corner in Face Offset Point in Curve Pack UV Islands Points Points of Curve Points to Curves Points to Vertices Points to Volume Position Project Point Quadratic Bézier Quadrilateral Quaternion to Rotation Radius Random Value Raycast Realize Instances Redistribute Curve Points Remove Named Attribute Repeat Zone Replace Material Replace String Resample Curve Restore Curve Segment Length Reverse Curve RGB Curves Roll Hair Curves Rotate Euler Rotate Hair Curves Rotate Instances Rotate Rotation Rotate Vector Rotation Rotation to Euler Rotation to Quaternion Sample Curve Sample Index Sample Nearest Sample Nearest Surface Sample UV Surface Scale Elements Scale Instances Scene Time Selection Self Object Separate Color, [1] Separate Components Separate Geometry Separate Matrix Separate Transform Separate XYZ Set Curve Normal Set Curve Radius Set Curve Tilt Set Face Set Set Hair Curve Profile Set Handle Positions Set Handle Type Set ID Set Instance Transform Set Material Set Material Index Set Point Radius Set Position Set Selection Set Shade Smooth Set Spline Cyclic Set Spline Resolution Set Spline Type Shortest Edge Paths Shrinkwrap Hair Curves Simulation Zone Slice String Smooth Hair Curves Sort Elements Special Characters Spline Length Spline Parameter Spline Resolution Split To Instances Star Store Named Attribute Straighten Hair Curves String String Length String to Curves Subdivide Curve Subdivide Mesh Subdivision Surface Switch Tools Transform Direction Transform Geometry Transform Point Translate Instances Transpose Matrix Triangulate Trim Curve Trim Hair Curves UV Sphere UV Unwrap Value Value to String Vector Vector Curves Vector Math Vector Rotate Vertex Neighbors Vertex of Corner Viewer Viewport Transform Volume Cube Volume to Mesh Voronoi Texture Wave Texture White Noise Texture Gimbal Gimbal Lock (verrouillage de cardan) Global Illumination (Éclairage Global) Global Space (Espace Global) Glossy Map (Carte Brillante) Grease Pencil Modifiers Armature Modifier Array Modifier Build Modifier Dot Dash Modifier Envelope Modifier Hook Modifier Hue/Saturation Modifier Lattice Modifier Length Modifier Line Art Modifier Mirror Modifier Multiple Strokes Noise Modifier Offset Modifier Opacity Modifier Outline Modifier Shrinkwrap Modifier Simplify Modifier Smooth Modifier Subdivide Modifier Texture Mapping Modifier Thickness Modifier Time Offset Modifier Tint Modifier Vertex Weight Angle Modifier Vertex Weight Proximity Modifier Grease Pencil Visual Effects Blur Visual Effect Colorize Visual Effect Flip Visual Effect Glow Visual Effect Pixelate Visual Effect Rim Visual Effect Shadow Visual Effect Swirl Visual Effect Wave Distortion Visual Effect H HDRI High Dynamic Range Image (Image à Plage Dynamique Élevée) Hue (Teinte) I IK Index of Refraction (Indice de Réfraction) Interpolation Inverse Kinematics (Cinématique Inverse) IOR K Keyframe (Trame clé) Keyframing (création des Trames clé) L La Queue La tête Lattice Licenses Light Bounces (rebondissement de la lumière) Local Space (Espace Local) Luminance M Manifold Mask MatCap Matte Mesh (Maillage) Micropolygons (Micropolygones) MIP Mip-map Mip-mapping MIS Mode Pose Modeling Modeling Modifiers Armature Modifier Array Modifier Bevel Modifier Boolean Modifier Build Modifier Cast Modifier Cloth Modifier Collision Modifier Curve Modifier Data Transfer Modifier Decimate Modifier Displace Modifier Dynamic Paint Modifier Edge Split Modifier Explode Modifier Fluid Modifier Geometry Nodes Modifier Hook Modifier Laplacian Deform Modifier Lattice Modifier Mask Modifier Mesh Cache Modifier Mesh Deform Modifier Mesh Sequence Cache Modifier Mesh to Volume Mirror Modifier Multiresolution Modifier Normal Edit Modifier Ocean Modifier Particle Instance Modifier Particle System Modifier Remesh Modifier Screw Modifier Shrinkwrap Modifier Simple Deform Modifier Skin Modifier Smooth By Angle Modifier Smooth Corrective Modifier Smooth Laplacian Modifier Smooth Modifier Soft Body Modifier Solidify Modifier Subdivision Surface Modifier Surface Deform Modifier Triangulate Modifier UV Project Modifier UV Warp Modifier Vertex Weight Edit Modifier Vertex Weight Mix Modifier Vertex Weight Proximity Modifier Volume Displace Volume to Mesh Warp Modifier Wave Modifier Weighted Normal Modifier Weld Modifier Wireframe Modifier Modeling Transform Modèle de couleur (Color Model) Modifiers F-Curve Modifiers Grease Pencil Modifiers Modeling Modifiers Video Sequencer Modifiers Motion Blur (flou de mouvement) Multiple Importance Sampling (Échantillonnage d'importance multiple) Multisampling (Échantillonnage multiple) N N-gon NDOF Nodes Compositing Nodes Geometry Nodes Shader Nodes Texture Nodes Non-linear Animation (Animation Non-linéaire) Non-manifold Non-uniform Rational Basis Spline (B-splines Rationnelles Non-uniformes) Normal Normal Mapping (Cartographie des Normales) NURBS Nœud Curve Segment O Object Object Center (Centre de l'Objet) Object Constraints Action Constraint Armature Constraint Camera Solver Constraint Child Of Constraint Clamp To Constraint Copy Location Constraint Copy Rotation Constraint Copy Scale Constraint Copy Transforms Constraint Damped Track Constraint Floor Constraint Follow Path Constraint Follow Track Constraint Inverse Kinematics Constraint Limit Distance Constraint Limit Location Constraint Limit Rotation Constraint Limit Scale Constraint Locked Track Constraint Maintain Volume Constraint Object Solver Constraint Pivot Constraint Shrinkwrap Constraint Spline IK Constraint Stretch To Constraint Track To Constraint Transform Cache Constraint Transformation Constraint Object Origin (Origine de l'Objet) Octahedron (Octaèdre) OpenGL Opérateur Overscan (Surbalayage) P Panneau Parent Parenting (Parentage) Particle system (Système de Particules) Phong Pixel Point Cloud Point Pivot Pole (Pôle) Pose Bone Posing Premultiplied Alpha (Alpha Prémultiplié) Primaries (primaires) Primitive Procedural Texture (Texture Procédurale) Projection Proxy Q Quad Quadrangle (Quadrilatère) Quadrilateral (Quadrilatéral) Quaternion Quaternion Rotation (Rotation de Quaternion) R Radiosity (Radiosité) Random Seed Raytracing (Lancer de Rayons) Real User (Utilisateur Réel) Refraction (Réfraction) Render Resource RGB Rig Rigid Body Constraints Fixed Constraint Generic Constraint Generic Spring Constraint Hinge Constraint Motor Constraint Piston Constraint Point Constraint Slider Constraint Roll (Roulis) Roll Angle (Angle de Roulis) Rolling Shutter Roughness Map (Carte de Rugosité) S Saturation Scanline (Balayage) Scene Referenced (Référence à la Scène) Seed (Graine) Session Shader Nodes Combine XYZ Separate XYZ Shading Smoothing (Lissage) Specular Light (Lumière Spéculaire) SSS Straight Alpha (Alpha direct) Subdiv Subdividing (Subdivision) Subdivision Surface (Subdivision de Surface) Subsurface Scattering (Transluminescence) Swing Swing and Twist (Balancement et Torsion) T Tags Tangent Tessellation (Pavage du plan) Texture Texture Space (Espace de Texture) Timecode Title Safe (Sûr pour titre) Topology (Topologie) Transform Modeling Transform Transformation Transformation Matrix Triangle U User Interface UV Map V Value Vertex Vertex Group Vertices Video Sequencer Modifiers Brightness/Contrast Modifier Color Balance Modifier Curves Modifier Hue Correct Modifier Mask Modifier Sound Equalizer Modifier Tone Map Modifier White Balance Modifier Voxel W Walk Cycle (Cycle de marche) Weight Painting White Point (Point Blanc) World Space Z Z-buffer