- Mode:
Mode Objet
- Menu:
Converts the selected mesh or text object into a curve object.
For mesh objects: Only loose edges (edges not part of any faces) will be included in the conversion.
For text objects: The text is converted into curve outlines, preserving its shape.
The resulting curve will be Poly Curve by default. To create smooth segments, convert the curve to a Bézier Curve using Set Spline Type.
Mesh (Maillage)¶
- Mode:
Mode Objet
- Menu:
Convertit les objets sélectionnés (curve, metaball, surface et text) en objets mesh. La résolution réelle définie de ces objets sera prise en compte pour la conversion. Notez que les faces et les volumes créés par les courbes fermées et extrudées sont également conservés.
Grease Pencil¶
- Mode:
Mode Objet
- Menu:
Converts the selected curve, mesh, or text object to a Grease Pencil object, generating strokes that follow the original shape. Basic materials are also created. When multiple objects are selected, they are combined into a single Grease Pencil object.
- Keep Original
Keeps the original object by creating a duplicate before conversion.
- Thickness
Defines the stroke thickness.
- Stroke Offset
Adjusts the offset to separate strokes from filled areas.
- Export Faces
Converts mesh faces into filled strokes.
Trace Image to Grease Pencil¶
- Mode:
Mode Objet
- Menu:
Convert to Mesh Plane¶
- Mode:
Mode Objet
- Menu:
Convertit l'image vide sélectionnée en un plan de maillage texturé.
Pour une description des options, voir Importer des images sous forme de plans.