Separate Components Node

Separate Components node.

The Separate Components node splits a geometry into a separate output for each type of data in the geometry.

Inputs – Уводи

Geometry – Геометрія

Standard geometry input.

Properties – Властивості

Цей вузол наразі немає властивостей.

Outputs – Виводи

Mesh – Сіть

Mesh component of the input geometry.

Curve – Крива

Curve component of the input geometry.

Point Cloud

Point cloud component of the input geometry.

Volume – Об’єм

Volume component of the input geometry.


Instances component of the input geometry. Even if the instances contain geometry data with one of the other types, all instances will be added to this output. A Realize Instances Node can be added to move the data from geometry instances to their corresponding outputs.