Displace Hair Curves

Displaces hair curves by a vector based on various options.

Inputs – Уводи

Geometry – Геометрія

Input Geometry (only curves will be affected).

Factor – Фактор

Factor to scale overall displacement.

Shape – Форма

Shape of the influence along curves (0=constant, 0.5=linear).

Простір Об’єкта – Object Space

Object used to define the displacement space.

Displace Vector

Vector for displacement.

Surface – Поверхня

Surface geometry used to sample the normal for displacement. This input takes priority over the corresponding object input, if used.

Surface – Поверхня

Surface object used to sample the normal for displacement.

Surface UV Map

Surface UV map used to sample the normal for displacement.

Surface Normal Displacement

Amount of displacement along the surface normal.

Properties – Властивості

Цей вузол наразі немає властивостей.

Outputs – Виводи
