Overlays – Наклади

Reference – Довідка

Header – Заголовок:

overlays-icon Overlays

Clicking the icon toggles all overlays in the Video Sequencer. The drop-down button displays a popover with more detailed settings, which are described below.

Image Outline

Shows an outline around the selected images.

2D Cursor – 2D Курсор

Shows the 2D Cursor – 2D Курсор.

Frame Overlay – Наклад Кадру

Shows the Frame Overlay for comparing the current frame to a reference frame.

Області Безпеки – Safe Areas

Shows guides indicating the video area where content can be seen across all screens.

Дивись також

Camera Safe Areas.

Metadata – Метадані

Shows file metadata.

Annotations – Анотації

Shows Annotations.