Plane – Площина¶
Reference – Довідка
- Mode – Режим:
Sculpt Mode – Режим Ліплення
- Пензель – Brush:
Moves vertices toward the brush plane, along the plane normal. Generalizes the functionality of the Flatten – Сплощення, Fill – Заповнення, and Шкрябання – Scrape brush types, allowing control of the range of influence above and below the brush plane through the Height and Depth parameters.
Устави Пензля – Brush Settings¶
General – Загальне¶
More info at General – Загальне brush settings and on Advanced – Просунуто brush settings.
- Height – Висота
Determines the range of influence of the brush above the brush plane. Increasing the height affects vertices farther above the plane.
- Depth – Глибина
Determines the range of influence of the brush below the brush plane. Increasing the depth affects vertices farther below the plane.
- Inversion Mode
Determines the behavior of the brush when inverted.
- Invert Displacement
When inverted, the brush displaces vertices away from the brush plane, resulting in increased contrast.
- Swap Height and Depth
When inverted, the roles of the Height and Depth parameters are exchanged.
For example, if Height is set to 0.7 and Depth to 0.3, inverting the brush causes the roles of these parameters to be exchanged, resulting in an effective Height of 0.3 and Depth of 0.7.
- Stabilize Normal
Controls the stability of the brush plane’s orientation. The normal of the plane is averaged over the last few stroke steps, with the number of steps and blending factor determined by the parameter’s value.
When set to 0, the brush reacts immediately to changes in the in surface orientation.
When set to 1, the plane’s orientation remains constant throughout the stroke.
Intermediate values provide a gradual transition between these behaviors, resulting in a weighted moving average of plane normals.
- Stabilize Plane
Controls the stability of the brush plane’s position. Similar to Stabilize Normal, it works by averaging the position over the previous stroke steps.
Each position is calculated as the interpolated between the unstabilized position and its projection onto the plane of the previous stroke step.