Перебудовування – Remeshing¶
Blender offers several tools for regenerating a mesh so that it has (approximately) the same shape but fewer faces, more faces, or better topology.

Remeshing to clean up messy geometry.¶
Перебудовування – Remeshing¶
Reference – Довідка
- Mode – Режим:
Режим Об’єкта, Режим Ліплення – Object Mode, Sculpt Mode
- Panel – Панель:
Remeshing automatically rebuilds the mesh with a uniform topology. You can run it with a high resolution to make a simple mesh denser, making it more suitable for sculpting. Alternatively, you can run it with a low resolution to simplify and clean up overly dense or messy geometry, such as from a sculpt or a 3D scan.
Remeshing only works on the original mesh data – it ignores modifiers, shape keys and so on.
Remeshing is not possible on objects with a Модифікатор «Багатороздільність» – Multiresolution Modifier.
The Remesh panel lets you choose between two different modes:
Voxel – Воксель¶
The Voxel remesher works by placing the mesh in a virtual 3D grid, seeing which points of the grid are closest to the mesh’s outer surface, and generating a new mesh with vertices at those points. This means the resulting mesh has uniform topology and has no inner (self-intersecting) geometry.
It’s useful for the following cases:
Changing the resolution of, or generally cleaning up, a mesh that you want to sculpt. Notably, by setting up the resolution before sculpting, you can leave Dyntopo disabled and avoid its performance impact.
Cleaning up a mesh for 3D printing.
Generating a simplified standin mesh for use with physics simulation.
However, because the topology is just a simple grid, the Voxel remesher should not be used for the following:
Creating topology for a mesh that will be deformed (e.g. a character that will be animated). Such topology has to follow the flow of the geometry, and no perfect automatic tools exist for this right now; it has to be done manually. See Retopology.
Generating a mesh for applying the Модифікатор «Підподілення Поверхні» – Subdivision Surface Modifier or the Модифікатор «Багатороздільність» – Multiresolution Modifier. It’s better to use the Quad – Чотирибічник mode for this.
Reducing the face count of a mesh that otherwise has no problems with its geometry. It’s better to use Спростити Геометрію – Decimate Geometry for this.
Voxel remesh has the following settings:
- Розмір Вокселя – Voxel Size
The size of each voxel (3D grid cell). Use a low value to get a detailed but dense mesh, or a high value for a light but coarse one.
- Адаптивність – Adaptivity
Reduces the final face count by simplifying geometry where detail is not needed. A value greater than zero disables Fix Poles and can introduce triangulation.
- Виправити Полюси – Fix Poles
Tries to reduce the number of Poles at the cost of some performance, to produce a better topological flow.
- Preserve
- Volume – Об’єм
Try to preserve the original volume of the mesh. Enabling this could make the operator slower depending on the complexity of the mesh.
- Attributes – Атрибути
Transfer attributes to the new mesh: the paint mask, any face sets, color attributes, and so on.
Дивись також
The Модифікатор «Перебудова» – Remesh Modifier can perform this operation non-destructively and offers more remeshing methods.
Quad – Чотирибічник¶
The Quad remesher uses the Quadriflow algorithm, which can produce better results but is also slower. It’s not a replacement for the Voxel remesher, however, because it doesn’t clean up intersecting geometry.
It’s useful for the following cases:
Generating a mesh for applying the Модифікатор «Підподілення Поверхні» – Subdivision Surface Modifier or the Модифікатор «Багатороздільність» – Multiresolution Modifier.
However, it’s not recommended for the following:
Cleaning up a mesh for sculpting or 3D printing. The Voxel remesher is more suited for this.
Creating final topology for a mesh that will be deformed (e.g. a character that will be animated). Such topology has to follow the flow of the geometry, and no perfect automatic tools exist for this right now; it has to be done manually. See Retopology.
Reducing the face count of a mesh that otherwise has no problems with its geometry. It’s better to use Спростити Геометрію – Decimate Geometry for this.
- Чотирибічникопотокова Перебудова – Quadriflow Remesh
Opens a pop-up to set parameters for the remesh operation.
- Use Mesh Symmetry
Generates a symmetrical mesh using the Mesh Symmetry options.
- Берегти Гостре – Preserve Sharp
Try to preserve sharp features of the mesh. Enabling this could make the operator slower depending on the complexity of the mesh.
- Берегти Рубіж Сіті – Preserve Mesh Boundary
Try to preserve the original volume of the mesh. Enabling this could make the operator slower depending on the complexity of the mesh.
- Preserve Attributes
Transfer attributes to the new mesh: the paint mask, any face sets, color attributes, and so on.
- Згладити Нормалі – Smooth Normals
Apply Згладжене Відтінення – Shade Smooth to the new mesh.
- Mode – Режим
How to specify the amount of detail for the new mesh.
- Ratio – Пропорція:
Specify target number of faces relative to the current mesh.
- Edge Length – Довжина Ребра:
Specify target edge length in the new mesh.
- Faces – Грані:
Specify target number of faces in the new mesh.
- Базис – Seed
Random Seed to use with the solver; different seeds will cause the remesher to generate different quad layouts on the mesh.
Ретопологія – Retopology¶
The automatic remesh tools generally don’t result in topology that lends itself to deformation. Therefore, if you have sculpted a character and want to simplify it for animation, you’ll typically have to do this manually in a process known as retopologizing.
To do this, you typically create a new mesh that overlaps the original one, then adjust it until it fully covers the original mesh and matches its shape.
The Ретопологія – Retopology overlay of the 3D Viewport is useful here, as it lets you see the original mesh through the retopologized one and vice versa – without getting distracted by geometry on the other side as would be the case with X-Ray.
You can use the Poly Build tool to quickly add, change, and remove faces.
Use Snapping – Підхоплення to align new vertices to the original mesh.